Prophetic Dream - Great Cloud of Witnesses
since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses… let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…
I woke up with fire in my heart early on Tuesday morning, 9th March 2021 because of a strange dream. In the dream, I was with five or six people in a week-long prayer camp. After the final prayer meeting was over as we were leaving, someone handed me a big hardcover book of around A4 size and 4-5cm thick. It was a brand-new book but old-looking, with dark maroon binding and splotchy light blue covers.
I opened the book at random, and it opened to a chapter on the Korean Revival with a grainy black and white photo of Ps Yonggi Cho, bending down to engage someone in a handshake or maybe in prayer. Only then I realised this was a book on the ‘History of World Revival’. The chapter dedicated to the Korean Revival was about ½ cm thick, quite substantial.
The Korean Revival chapter was followed by a two-page spread and more following, about a woman who was born more than a hundred years ago. There was an old-looking photo of a young woman with an old hairstyle – two pigtails bunched at the sides of her chin. She was wearing a dull green top. She looked Asian to me. I could read only her birth year and death year, which were written in numbers. She was born in the early 1900s and lived to 90+ years of age.
Unlike the well-known heroes of faith like Yonggi Cho, this young woman was totally unknown on earth. But I was thinking to myself in the dream, ‘This woman is very important to God. She is famous in heaven. Angels know her, demons know her, and the saints in heaven know her. She went to a foreign land at a young age, and she was faithful to God to the end.’
Then I began to wake up thinking, ‘This woman is among the cloud of witnesses,’ those who served the Lord faithfully in their generation, and are now in the immediate presence of God, awaiting their reward. I found myself praying as I became conscious, ‘Lord, make me like her! Give me what she had!’ I somehow knew this godly woman in heaven wanted to pass to me her anointing, like Elijah passed his prophetic mantle to Elisha as he was taken up amid the fire and whirlwind. She was very focused!
‘What a strange dream!’ I said to myself when I got up. But I kept feeling unusual fire burning in me all day - in the morning leadership prayer on zoom as we prayed, and especially when I tried to research this nameless, faceless woman from my dream – though without any success.
I became aware again very strongly, that the cloud of witnesses in heaven is very much invested in us. They are watching us with burning eyes. They ran their race with all their might, and they have passed their batons to us. Now their reward and victory depend on how we run our race as a generation who are possibly called to reap the final harvest of souls on the earth and usher in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God in His wisdom has so designed this cosmic race of faith, so their calling and assignment cannot be fully completed apart from us. I believe the Lord Jesus has prepared the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire for the end-time church – a downpour of His holy fire - that will exceed the past generations - because we are going to need it. (Heb 11:39-12:2)
‘I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.’ (Matt 3:11)
Mia Kim