Celebrating Hanukkah with Jews #3

The rabbi was intrigued that some non-Jews want to join their synagogue services and Bible studies. If we gentiles want to come to their gathering in the synagogue, the rabbi explained, we need to let them know in advance who we are, etc and when we are coming. ‘Just so we know, you are not coming to kill us!’ he added in humour, and we guffawed. (2 min read)

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Glory International
Celebrating Hanukkah with Jews #2

Then it struck me there is just ONE THING – actually ONE PERSON who stands between these dear Jews and us Christians. ONE NAME we Christians know we cannot say in the synagogue – Jesus Christ the Anointed One - Yeshua the Jewish Messiah - whom they have rejected and cast away! (My heart weeps for Israel when I think of this.) (2 min read)

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Glory International
Celebrating Hanukkah with Jews #1

The synagogue’s choir is all male. No female singing is allowed. (I asked at this point, why?) The Rabbi answered, because females are not allowed to sing TO males. Really? My gentile (and female) mind could not quite grasp it. Is this a relic of the patriarchal tradition of male headship? Maybe taken a little too far in this case? (2 min read)

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Glory International
Prophetic Dream - Great Cloud of Witnesses

Then I began to wake up thinking, ‘This woman is among the cloud of witnesses,’ those who served the Lord faithfully in their generation, and are now in the immediate presence of God, awaiting their reward. I found myself praying as I became conscious, ‘Lord, make me like her! Give me what she had!’ I somehow knew this godly woman in heaven wanted to pass to me her anointing, like Elijah passed his prophetic mantle to Elisha as he was taken up amid the fire and whirlwind… (3 min read)

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Glory International
On the Palms of My Hands

I could hear my prayers reverberating loud and clear in God’s very presence, the prayers I’d prayed as a child, as a teenager, and as a young woman… Those prayers were as vibrant and alive and ringing in God’s ears as if I was crying out to Him right before Him there and then. Many prayers that I’d even forgotten… (3 min read)

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Glory International
Your Holy Ground

Take off your sandals, for the place you stand is holy ground.

As I stared at the Bible passage, I knew God was answering my question:

Where your desert bush burns in the wilderness with holy fire, there is your holy ground, and that fire will not go out. You must stand on that holy ground again and again, and hear the voice of the One who speaks from the divine flame. (2 min read)

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Glory International
The Endtime Harvest

I saw the earth suspended in space, and a vast but invisible wave that stretched all the way from the south pole to the north pole, slowly sweeping over the earth's surface from east to west. When the wave touched a continent, it was as if a tornado was tearing up the land. It sent chunks of earth and cloud of dust flying into the air. (2 min read)

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Glory International