Celebrating Hanukkah with Jews #3
Hanukkah in the Great Synagogue in Sydney - Tue 20 Dec 2022
Around 120,000 Jews live in Australia. Over 65,000 are connected to the local synagogues. But they are concerned about losing their younger generation – much like us the gentile Church.
Around 250 Australian Jews make Aliyah each year immigrating to Israel, back to the homeland of their ancient roots. It is a small number, but percentage-wise it is one of the highest among the Jewish diaspora in the world.
Around 30 young Australian Jews volunteer to serve in the IDF - Israel Defense Forces- each year. The Jewish organisations in Australia help these young men and women connect with the Jewish community in Israel while they serve in the Israeli military, so that they are not lonely away from their families.
The longing of the Jewish people for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem – it runs in their blood and breathes in their DNA. A confident and friendly Jewish leader and businessman who was heavily involved in the Jewish community, said to me that 80% of all Jewish people regardless of where they live, long for the Temple to be rebuilt. He, along with many Jews, prays with his face turned towards Jerusalem (like Prophet Daniel?). The resurrection of their Temple means their Messiah has come or will come very shortly.
When their Messiah comes, no Jew will be found in the diaspora in any nation, the rabbi explained. All Jews will be in Israel. And all Jewish synagogues in all nations will be lifted up and transported (supernaturally) and transplanted around the Temple. The dear rabbi wasn’t sure if the synagogue floors will come attached to the building. I smiled my gentile smile. I don’t think the rabbi or the Jewish people believe this particular oral tradition (not found in the Scriptures). I assume this endearing belief grew in the ancient days when electrical wiring, sewage system, water pipes, etc. weren’t a consideration!
The rabbi was intrigued that some non-Jews want to join their synagogue services and Bible studies. If we gentiles want to come to their gatherings in the synagogue, the rabbi told us, we need to let them know in advance who we are and when we are coming, etc. ‘Just so we know, you are not coming to kill us!’ he added in humour, and we guffawed.
But I felt a small stab of pain in my heart. While the rabbi was making light of it among the Christians who were strong supporters of the Jewish people – it was not a laughing matter. Many Jewish synagogues and schools in Australia and across the world employ professional guards. Our ID and bags were checked as we entered the Great Synagogue. Some build thick concrete walls and barricades to protect their congregants and children from potential explosives thrown at them.
My heart aches, picturing the unthinkable horror and rejection the Jewish people suffered, one generation after another after another. I think about one nameless Jew’s prayer scratched on the wall of a concentration camp.
I believe in the Sun even when it shines not.
And I believe in love even when there is no one there.
And I believe in God even when He is silent.
May the children of Israel find that the Holy One of Israel is SILENT NO MORE. He is speaking loud, shouting in their ears through His Son Yeshua – ‘I am the Lord God Your Saviour, and I AM SAVING YOU TODAY!’
So all Israel shall be saved. AMEN!
Mia Kim