Pastor Paul Kim

Paul was born into a Buddhist family in South Korea. He met Jesus as a child during the days of the Korean revival, and experienced overwhelming peace that no amount of chanting in the Buddhist temple gave him. After the Lord miraculously healed Paul’s crippling back injury, his family received a totally unexpected prophetic word from woman or God that God will move them to Australia, and there God will use the family to plant and build His Church. That word has come to pass beyond what man could have engineered. Both Paul and his older brother Ray are serving the Lord in the ministry today.

Paul’s primary calling in Christ is to be His messenger. His passion is to deliver the Word, teach and preach the Word wherever Christ sends him. Paul wants the Word of Christ to be birthed in an intimate walk with Him, hidden from man’s eyes.

Pastor Mia Kim

Mia’s family came to the Lord in South Korea from idolatrous background during the early days of Korean revival. They experienced the miraculous power of God who answers prayers in the famous Prayer Mountain. Mia’s walk with God was indelibly marked by the praying women of Korea who intercession opened the heavens over the nation.

Mia’s walk with the Lord grew deeper in her teenage years after the family migrated to Australia. A series of encounters with the Lord over the years has convinced Mia that the way to salvation and healing of our nation and the nations of the world will come when God’s people give ourselves to prayer and intercession.

Jeremiah 33:3 ‘‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’


The work of Glory International is paved forward by seasoned intercessors who serve the Lord in prayer. The word of the Lord on the lips of these intercessors carry His authority to break the power of the evil one, and break new ground for the Kingdom work, and to open powerful effective doors for the gospel.

Paul and Mia always work with these intercessors, and value their mostly hidden ministry and service unto the Lord beyond any words they can find. Truly these are the ‘voices’ that move God’s throne in heaven and His hand on the earth.

Matthew 11:12 ‘And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.’